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25% Profits donated to NGO

We're donating 25% of the profits made from this project to CNCD 11.11.11

Not less than 25% of the total profits earned thanks to all your purchases will be given, this year, to a Belgian-wide NGO Centre national de coopération au développement (CNCD-11.11.11) that has been active since 1966 promoting the international solidarity by questioning public and private power, public education on the international staked and the financing of development of durable programs such as Operation 11.11. They want to favour the relations between peoples based on justice and the respect of fundamental individual and collective rights in all their dimensions as well as addressing daily problems by putting in place concrete and structural solutions to address poverty or defend a more equal and fairer world, for example.
The CNCD-11.11.11 was founded on a fundamental value of cooperation in development: solidarity. The CNCD-11.11.11 unites more than eighty development organizations of the French and German spheres and thousands of volunteers and sympathizers around Belgium.
The environment defence it’s one of the main engagements and objectives of this NGO in order, as they say, to ensure a better forthcoming for actual and future generations, a wish shared by thousands of students around the globe and by the EEB3 Students Committee through its projects. Furthermore, they focus on the climate injustice or inequity in order to protect and offer better sustainable opportunities to poor nations and populations as they are the first victims of a global warming that however is lastly affecting all populations, because we are all in the same boat. For example, in Peru, the NGO helps the Shawis’ local community in their adaptation climate changes, offering an ambitious example to international governments to follow it, in order to help developing countries to attain the seventeen UN Objectives of Sustainable Development, by financing for example the needed infrastructures to allow the adaptation and resilience but also for the production of durable energy.
If you want to additionally help them in their trust-worthy, noble and humanitarian causes you can contribute by donating monthly or occasionally while keeping in mind that pledges of more than 40€ are deductible fiscally. Or if you rather prefer to take part in one of their numerous activities or become a volunteer, don’t hesitate to check their website: where you will find all the needed information or even further.

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